YL 2020 Goal

Raised: $37,839
Goal: $50,000

Stories, they connect us, broaden our perspective, and advance our imagination. This year we’re taking a different approach to our fundraiser. We are still hosting our auction, but we are focusing and hoping you’ll join us to hear stories. We believe that there is good work advancing and moving through the power of the stories that are unfolding in the lives of our friends in Anchorage.


During 2020 it would be easy to believe that stories would pause, take a beat, or end completely. We’ve experienced the opposite. We continue to see stories unfold in beautiful, encouraging ways. Our stories connect to you, our Young Life family, our stories are intrinsically intertwined. So from November 27th to December 7th we’re going to be rolling out a short story about what God is doing through the mission of Young Life. Our hope is that you would tune in. 


Secondly, we’re going to roll out new items from November 27-December 7th. 


Our encouragement is 1) to sign up for our daily email and 2) check in to view our latest stories and auction items. 


We’re hoping you’ll find some Christmas gifts, opportunities for end of year giving/movement of Anchorage Young Life, and vision for the story you are a part of or possibly joining for the first time. We’re asking that you would consider sharing our stories and opportunities to shop with 5-10 friends and family. 


We have some fantastic items and have received matching gifts for every dollar we raise over the next 10 days. Our goal through this medium is $50K and through our matching gifts $50K, for a total of $100K. 


We know the stories we take part in aren’t possible without you. So thank you in advance for being a part of our family and the stories that are unfolding. 


“None of us is the leading character in the story of our lives. God is the largest context and ploy in which all our stories find themselves.” - Eugene Peterson

YL 2020 Goal

Raised: $37,839
Goal: $50,000